Sunday, September 12, 2004

Sheep's hide

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." (Hamlet)

"Now, by two-headed Janus, Nature hath framed strange fellows in her time." (The Merchant of Venice)

The tiger under the sheep's hide is a sheep. Is it not ?? If it's under the hide, how did you realise it's a tiger ? Alright, so it did peek out once to show how ferocious it can be.

Now for a little ramble-jabber-mumble-babble about hypocrisy. One thing that'll remain in my "destest forever list" for the rest of my life. These things are not written here to add spice to my blog. These are my efforts to make up for a problem that persists in my life. Lack of opinion... something that haunts me. And why exactly did I mention that ?? Well, I thought it would definitely add some substance to the ongoing post. Oh yes, I am not (much of) a hypocrite, I do not want to write gibberish just for the sake of assuming certain variety.Oh well, some people do write bullshit just to attract public attention. I guarantee, I am into no such tactics here. No false virtues exhibited.

People often resort to acts of pretense for reasons more than one. As aforesaid, they crave for attention, ACS as it goes. Those sorts act like they have no other go. Some of them are very adept, but it is certainly not a talent worth appreciable. They make attempts continually in order to impress people around them, until someday, they realise they end up fooling themselves in most of the cases. Some deliberately involve themselves, and the others (partly innocent) are caught within this social trap. The latter kind, are forced by their thoughts that languish for more popularity and fame, and so most of them try and mimic those who are in the top flight. It takes some time before these people understand that they have approached a false realization. Only after they are subject to taunts and constant deriding from their acquaintances, they come to a right conclusion.

The other kind of people are those whom everyone should be aware and beware of. Just imagine. If you trust such people, invest faith in them, but in the end are left with no one to even complain to about what just hit you. Ever heard of the legendary two-headed Janus, a quintessence for the people being talked about now, a very frequently coined term for those who have deceitful attitude. Actually the phrase refers to a god, the doors of whose temple remain open during times of war, and closed when peace is attained. It is said that these doors are seldom closed. This Janus fellow was supposed to be a symbol of constant vigilance, the two heads pointing out in two different directions indicating caution, but the poor thing could not avoid adulteration of his significance. Okie, enough pity. Back to the topic. Anyway, I shall speak of the followers of Mr.Janus, as the world now sees the term. It is very difficult to impose an inhibition on these people, because primarily they are not identified to be the ones to be prevented. They can be sober, they can do hullabullah, depending on what their need is. They will just utilize all resources in "Use and Throw" manner. As long as they are sipping the hot coffee, they make sure they clutch the cup properly, firmly, not even allowing a drop to drip. They are social leeches, they suck everything out of people until they have something or the other to offer. And later, the dry cup of coffee, which once was a treasure of flavors, will be no more valued than a thing that is supposed to be disposed. Hey, I do not recommend people to store even empty and used plastic cups. It's just my trial to indicate the kind of treatment such people are ready to give their victims.

Now there are other kind of people. These indirectly care for the affected. The effect they wish to establish is that none should be hurt in the process. Constantly in a dilemma. For example, I have someone for an acquaintance who believes that certain things are true. I could straight away go to him and tell him that he has things completely the wrong way. But if that would hurt the person, my acts would be hindered by forethought. Instead, with the hope that a disastrous aftermath of such relations is not imminent, I prolong my partly dissembling attitude.

At some point or the other, each of us has been a hypocrite. Some by oppression, some by greed, some by habit. If you are trying to rebuff this fact, then you must be suffering from MPS. On one hand you are a puritan, on the other you are a hypocrite, hiding yourself in a veil of falsity, from the society and worse - from yourself. Its high time you consult your local psychiatrist.

Too much philosophy for one day. Enough.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


"O, it is excellent to have a giant's strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant." (Measure for Measure)

Today my thoughts wandered around the importance of possessing physical strength. If someone was really that strong, I don't find any reason to blame them, if they'd behave arrogantly. Everything has a positive side to it, and comes free with it - also the counterpart of it. In some corner of my mind still lurks a thought, that the act of misusing power is absolutely unethical. But I'm a person who believes that there should be a proper balance of the positive and negative sides to any action, thought, substance - else it loses it's significance. As I see it, being physically strong is also a virtue. But I still adhere to my belief that with power and everything synonymous, one tends to be pulled across, over the border, to join those who crave for things, in the sense, are in complete control of lust and greed, reflecting a completely salacious part of them. Else, why is it that people really wish had power ?? Though some of them try to run away from themselves, they cannot erase the truth that it is indirectly the thirst for dominance creates the want for power. Let's go back to the "United we stand, divided we fall" policy. Agreed, that if there are enough people to outnumber and bash a strong fellow, he might not wish to put himself in the ascendant. But, the first fellow to go against him must be really bold, because by the time he tries to prove the adage right, the very notion might even cost him his life.

For example, if a gangster decides to hijack a plane, he can still be put in a helpless position, provided all people decide not to be intimidated, and instead pounce on him, the gangster won't even find space to shoot, I mean he would succesfully thrust his first two to three bullets, and then mobbed by the rest. But, I guess none would really prefer to be in those first ones who try to initiate the policy of uniting to escape from the imminent danger. Neither me. This is how strong people take care of the situation. When they realise that there is a strong opposition sighted in their way, they try to eliminate it in the incipient stages.

All this philosophy took birth due to the movie I saw today evening. I watched Yuva again. The way Big B 2 takes control over people is very savage. In many scenes he's remarked as a "Jaanvar" meaning animalistic in nature. Arjun fails to stop Lallan from trashing him in the hospital, but Michael is confident enough, he also beats him black and blue in the last fight scene. May it be Calvin from cartoons or may it be Arjun from Yuva, they had to be oppressed by a bully. Does physical strength really put people in a comfortable place ??