Friday, November 17, 2006

Rest a while

“What are the three important things that you feel can make a man/woman successful?”

Each person has his own definition of success. However there are a few categorical paths to reach one’s final destination. I shall list three factors which I feel can make a person successful – laziness, sleep, luck.

Everything humans have done since the dawn of mankind in the name of advancement and development has belied their notion to achieve total laziness. There might be this gloss of fame and popularity but the ulterior motive is to luxuriate at the end of the day leading a lavish life (read lazy life).

However there are still people who adapt themselves to an altruistic approach or a workaholic one. It is vital that they have a strong will to accomplish whatever they desire. In order to set a goal it is important to possess a vision, more like a powerful dream to achieve which they’d give anything. To dream one needs to sleep.

A thousand ships of merchandise may sail to seek great profits but everything can be washed out by a tide. It is essential to do whatever is within one’s control but without the assistance of serendipity no one gains. It is ironical that despite one’s best efforts, his/her fortunes play a huge role in their success. If fate does not ordain a happy ending every effort goes in vain. Therefore the element of luck is necessary so that everything man proposes is not disposed by God.